Université Paris Cité – LCBPT UMR 8601 CNRS
45 rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris
Phone: +33 1 76 53 42 05 • Room R176

Research Engineer
Université Paris Cité – LCBPT UMR 8601 CNRS
45 rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris
Phone: +33 1 76 53 42 05 • Room R176
Gildas Bertho graduated in Biochemistry from the Université d’Orléans. His early interest for nuclear magnetic resonance stemmed from his internship carried out in 2000 in the group of Prof. Marius Ptak at the Center of Molecular Biophysic at Center of Molecular Biophysics of Orléans University (France), on the structural analysis of synthetic peptides. He completed a PhD on Molecular Biophysics at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) in 1998, in the groups of Prof. Jean-Pierre Girault and Dr. Marcel Delaforge.
In 1998, he moved to the Université Paris Descartes (now Université Paris Cité) where he became Research Engineer in the group of Prof. Jean-Pierre Girault at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicicologues (UMR8601 CNRS). He has worked on the development of NMR techniques mainly in the field of ligand-based detection of interactions of small chemical compounds with macromolecules.
During ten years, he was head of the research group NMR of Biological Substances. His research interests include the study of challenging molecular or supramolecular systems in the field of Health Sciences, with a particular emphasis on the development of analytical methods targeting their dynamic and structural features. He was teaching chemistry and NMR in the Department of Fundamental and Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Sciences).
Over the last years, he has been coordinator or PI in several granted projects, both for research and educational purposes. He has contributed to organize national and international conferences in the field of magnetic resonance, and participated in thematic schools.
Now, he developed NMR-based metabolomics in an interdisciplinary environment of research at Université Paris Cité. As the CEO of ‘MetaboParis-Santé’ program, he is working to promote NMR in human health projects for his transfer to a clinical environment. Since 2012, he manage studies with hospitals and Inserm research units to evidence the application of NMR-based metabolomic in clinical biology. He identified biomarkers of chronic kidney disease (CKD), explained the recurrence of acute porphyria by the presence of a key compound, highlighted metabolite profiles for different phenotypes in endometriosis and adenomyosis…
Curriculum Vitae
Since 1998 Research Engineer (CNRS) – Université Paris Cité
Elected member, Centre Local d’Activité Social (CLAS Saint Germain) CNRS
Member, research group on NMR of Biological Substances
Member, team Bio-Spectroscopies, UMR CNRS 8601
Substitute teacher, Metabolomics courses
2009 – 2019 Head of research group – Paris Descartes University
2008 Management diploma for the Supervision of research (HDR) – Paris Descartes University
1998 PhD in Science, Molecular Biophysics – Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris
1992 Maitrise in Biochemistry – Orleans University, France
1989 Biological Analysis – National school of Chemistry Physic & Biology (ENCP), Paris
1986 Laboratory Assistant diploma – Britanny, France
Metabolomics • Analytical chemistry • Methodological development • Ultrahigh-resolution NMR • Nuclear spin relaxation • Biomolecules • Complex mixtures • Metabolites • Supramolecular interactions • Dynamic and structural analysis • Quantitative analysis
Teaching Activities
Metabolomics : Lectures and tutorials (Licence and Master in Mathematics & Informatics, Biophysics of interactions)
Touch Is All It Takes: the Supramolecular Interaction between Ubiquitin and Lanthanide Complexes Revisited by Paramagnetic NMR and Molecular Dynamics.
Dos Santos K, Bartocci A, Gillet N, Denis-Quanquin S, Roux A, Lin E, et al.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2024, 26, 14573-14581
DOI: 10.1039/d4cp00463a
Lipoproteome dysregulation precedes conversion to psychosis in ultra-high-risk subjects,
M.T. Avella, G. Bertho, O. Kébir, C. Caradeuc, M.O. Krebs, N. Giraud, B. Chaumette, A. Frajerman,
Neuroscience Applied, Volume 3, Supplement 1, (2024),103948
DOI: 10.1016/j.nsa.2024.103948
NMR metabolomics study of the chronic low-dose exposure to a cocktail of Persistent Organic Pollutants
Lucas-Torres, C., Caradeuc, C., Prieur, L., Djemai, H., Layale, Y., Noirez, P., Coumoul, X., Audouze, K., Giraud, N., & Bertho, G.*
NMR in Biomedicine, in Press (2023) DOI : 10.1002/nbm.5006
Present and Future of Pure Shift NMR in Metabolomics
Chen, X., Bertho, G., Caradeuc, C., Giraud, N.* and Lucas-Torres, C.*,
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Metabolomics Special Issue: Frontiers in NMR Metabolomics, invited review (2023) DOI: 10.1002/mrc.5356
A Toolbox For Glutamine Use In Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: From Enzymatic Reaction Monitoring To The Study Of Cellular Metabolic Pathways And Imaging.
Dos Santos, K, Bertho, G., Caradeuc, C., Baud, V., Montagne, A., Abergel, D., Giraud, N.* & Baudin, M.*
ChemPhysChem (2023) DOI: 10.1002/cphc.202300151
Absolute Metabolite Quantification Using Pure Shift NMR: Towards Quantitative Metabolic Profiling of Aqueous Biological Samples
Chen, X., Caradeuc, C., Montagne, A., Baud, V., Bertho, G., Lucas-Torres, C.*, Giraud, N.*
Anal. Chem. 94, 43, 14974–14984 (2022) DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02823
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Conformers of (E)-2-(3-nitro-H-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-2-ylthio)-N’-benzylideneacetohydrazide Derivatives
Evrard, A., Coulibaly, S.*, Coulibali, S *, Kouassi, S., Achi, P.A., Giraud, N. and Bertho, G.
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 60, 1157-1170 (2022) DOI: 10.1002/mrc.5308
Ultrahigh-Resolution NMR with Water Signal Suppression for a Deeper Understanding of the Action of Antimetabolic Drugs on Dif-fuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Bertho, G., Lordello, L., Chen, X., Lucas-Torres, C., Oumezziane, I.E., Caradeuc, C., Baudin, M., Nuan-Aliman, S., Thieblemont, C., Baud, V.* and Giraud, N.*
Journal of Proteome Research, 21, 4, 1041-1051 (2022) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00914
Structural Analysis of Unstable Norbixin Isomers Guided by Pure Shift Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Bertho, G.* Oumezziane, I.E., Caradeuc, C., Guibout, L., Balducci, C., Dinan, L., Dilda, P.J., Camelo, S., Lafont, R., and Giraud, N.*
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 60, 504-514 (2022) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/mrc.5252