Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques
Happy 40th Birthday UMR8601!
Today we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologique et Toxicologique -UMR8601!
Congratulations to Dylan Coelho and Katie Burke for their prizes!
Two in one day! We congratulate Dylan Coelho and Katie Burke for their Best Poster Prize at GDR RNA and Best Oral Communication at journée de la montagne Sainte Geneviève, respectively.
Congratulations to Hugo Esteves who won the best oral communication prize at RCO2024
We congratulate Hugo for his Oral Communication Prize at the RCO2024!
Recent Publications
Click to see the latest publications of our Laboratory
Congratulations to Martin Lepeintre who won the best poster prize at the RECOB 19
We congratulate Martin for being the recipient of Best Poster Award at the RECOB 19 (19ème REcontres en Chimie Organique Biologique)!