Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, CNRS
Biological chemistry
Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT)
Université Paris Descartes
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Daniel Mansuy
Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, CNRS

Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie pharmacologiques et toxicologiques (LCBPT) – CNRS UMR 8601
Université Paris Descartes
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Curriculum Vitae
. Member of the French Academy of Sciences (from 1998)
. Member of the CNRS Scientific Council (2001-2005)
. Director of the Doctorate School “Médicaments” of Paris Descartes University (2002-2005)
. Creation and Direction of a Department of Pharmacological and Toxicological Chemistry and Biochemistry in the Saints-Peres Center of University Paris Descartes (URA 400 from 1984 to 1996, then UMR 8601 from 1999 to 2006)
. Director of the CNRS programme “ Physique et Chimie du Vivant (1997- 2001)
. Consultant for L’Oréal (2002-2019)
. Member of the Scientific Council of Rhône-Poulenc, then of Aventis-Agro (1987-2002)
. Member of the CNRS National Committee of the Scientific Research (1978-1991 then 1995-2000; sections 9, 27, 16 and 20)
. PHD thesis in 1970 (with Marc JULIA)
. Ingénieur ENSCP (1967)
Research domains
. Coordination chemistry and Catalysis (hemoproteins and metalloporphyrins)
. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Pharmacochemistry
. Drug metabolism and molecular Toxicology