Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie pharmacologiques et toxicologiques (LCBPT) – CNRS UMR 8601
Université Paris Cité
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Iris Sanchez
Doctorante / Ph.D. student
Chemistry towards life sciences
Supramolecular Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Room R106
Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie
Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT)
Université Paris Cité
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Current Research
Getting our inspiration from biological structures concerning the control of metallic center properties by the fine tunning of its environment, we use self-assembled capsules as enzymatic pockets surrogates to encapsulate transition metal complexes.
On one hand, we aim at studying the catalytic activity of such complexes in a confined media when involved in catalyzed reactions on small substrates – which can be really challenging in terms of selectivity.
On the other hand, we tend to characterize and rationalize the photophysical properties of emissive encapsulated complexes that exhibits improved luminescent properties compared to their free counter-parts. The introduction of chirality in the encapsulated complexe’s environments could possibly lead to chiroptical properties and open the path to diverse applications in probing, information encryption, light emitting devices and bio-imaging.
Key words
Supramolecular chemistry, coordination chemistry, bio-inspired catalysis, photophysics, chirality, CPL.
Curriculum Vitae
2023-2026 : PhD in Supramolecular Chemistry, Université Paris Cité (Paris, France), under the supervision of Pr. Benoit Colasson and Dr. Benjamin Doistau.
2021-2022 : Master in Organic Chemistry, Universitat de Valencia (Valencia, Spain)
2019-2021 : Chemical engineer diploma, specialization in Organic Chemistry, European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM, Strasbourg, France).
2017-2019 : Preparatory class for engineering schools (CPGE) in Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Science, Michel de Montaigne Highschool (Bordeaux, France)
2023-2026 : PhD in Supramolecular Chemistry « Encapsulation of transition metal complexes in supramolecular cages for the tunning of their luminescent and catalytic properties », under the supervision of Pr. Benoit Colasson and Dr. Benjamin Doistau, Université Paris Cité (Paris, France).
2022 : M2 intenrship « Development of chemically modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the controlled release of compounds in hypoxic conditions », under the supervision of Pr. Ana M. Costero and Pr. Salvador Gil, Instituto de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnolόgico (IDM, Valencia, Spain).
2021 : Engineer internship « Development of the industrial synthesis of Koumalactone, a molecule of interest in the fragrance industry », under the supervision of Dr. Piotr Jaunky and Julien Buirey, V. Mane & Fils (Le Bar-sur-Loup, France).
2020 : L3 internship « Synthesis of NHC ligands with long alkyl chains for the stabilization of Nickel nanoparticles », under the supervision of Pr. Michael Chetcuti and Dr. Christophe Michon, Laboratoire d’Innovations Moléculaires et Applications (LIMA, Strasbourg, France).
Financial support
2023 : Ph.D. grant from MTCI Doctoral school