Benjamin Doistau
Maître de conférence / Assistant Professor

Chemistry towards life sciences
Supramolecular Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Room R153bis, Phone : +33 1 76 53 42 20
Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie pharmacologiques et toxicologiques (LCBPT) – CNRS UMR 8601
Université Paris Cité
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Benjamin Doistau
Maître de conférence / Assistant Professor
Chemistry towards life sciences
Supramolecular Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Room R153bis, Phone : +33 1 76 53 42 20
Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie
Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT)
Université Paris Cité
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Current Research
The green fluorescent protein provides a wellspring of bio-inspiration for luminescence’s property tuning or switch, since the modification of the cavity embedding a fluorophore triggers its emission tuning on 100 nm scale without changing the fluorophore structure. Such impressive luminescence control highlights the importance of the supramolecular environment in photophysical features. Therefor we are willing to explore the interface between supramolecular chemistry, coordination chemistry, photophysics and chirality, in order to achieve coordination complexes emission or chiroptic properties switch triggered by its environment tuning. Such achievement may raise plethora’s applications in probing, light emitting devices or bio-imaging.
Our activity is transdisciplinary and harness various chemistry fields and skills such as organic synthesis, coordination complexes synthesis, spectroscopic characterisation methods (NMR, EPR), photophysical measurements and chiroptic (CD).
Key words
Supramolecular chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Chromimum(III), Photophysics, Chirality.
Curriculum Vitae
2011-2015 : PhD of Supramolecular chemistry, Sorbonne Université (Paris), under supervision of Pr. Bernold Hasenknopf and Dr. Guillaume Vives
2010-2011 : Master degree of organic chemistry, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
2009-2010 : Agrégation de chimie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Professional activities
Since September 2022 : Maître de conférences en chimie (Assistant Professor), Université Paris Cité, Supramolecular bio-inorganic chemistry group of Pr. Benoit Colasson.
January-August 2022 : Professeur agrégé de chimie en CPGE (PC*), Lycée Louis Thuillier (Amiens).
2020-2021 : Professeur agrégé de chimie en lycée, Lycée Pothier (Orléans), Lycée Langevin (Beauvais).
2017-2020 : Maître assistant (Junior Lecturer) “Cr(III) based energy conversion”, University of Geneva, Supramolecular chemistry group of Pr. Claude Piguet.
2015-2017 : Postdoctoral position “Synthesis and study of Cr(III) sensitizers for light upconversion in Er(III) – Cr(III) architectures”, University of Geneva, Supramolecular chemistry group of Pr. Claude Piguet.
2011-2015 : PhD of Supramolecular chemistry “Luminescent or Magnetic Switchable Molecular Tweezers”, Sorbonne Université (Paris), under supervision of Pr. Bernold Hasenknopf and Dr. Guillaume Vives
Financial support
2023 : ANR JCJC SupraCPL “Supramolecular Capsules and Cages for Circularly Polarized Luminescence” (ANR-23-CE07-0019-01)
Selected Publications
Complex-as-Ligand Strategy as a Tool for the Design of a Binuclear Nonsymmetrical Chromium(III) Assembly: Near-Infrared Double Emission and Intramolecular Energy Transfer
B.Doistau,* J-R. Jiménez, L-M-L. Daku, C. Piguet* Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 11023-11031.
Heteroleptic trivalent chromium in coordination chemistry: Novel building blocks for addressing old challenges in multimetallic luminescent complexes (Review)
J-R. Jiménez,* B. Doistau,* M. Poncet, C. Piguet,* Coord. Chem. Rev. 2021, 434, 213750.
A Key Strategy for the Rational Incorporation of Long-lived NIR Emissive Cr(III) Chromophores into Polymetallic Architectures
B. Doistau,* J-R. Jiménez, S. Guerra, C. Besnard, C. Piguet,* Inorg Chem. 2020, 59, 1424 – 1435.
Beyond Chiral Organic (p-Block) Chromophores for Circularly Polarized Luminescence: The Success of d-Block and f-Block Chiral Complexes (Review)
B. Doistau,* J-R. Jiménez,* C. Piguet, Front. Chem. 2020, 8, 555.
Chiral Molecular Ruby [Cr(dqp)2]3+ with Long-Lived Circularly Polarized Luminescence
J-R. Jiménez,* B. Doistau, C. M. Cruz, C. Besnard, J. M. Cuerva, A. G. Campaña,* C. Piguet,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 13244 – 13252.
Six states switching of redox-active molecular tweezers by three orthogonal stimuli
B. Doistau, L. Benda, J. L. Cantin, L. M. Chamoreau, E. Ruis, V. Marvaud, B. Hasenknopf,* G. Vives,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139, 9213 – 9220.