Armelle MELET
Associate Professor

Chemistry & Biology, Modeling & Immunology for Therapy
+33 1 76 53 42 72 , room R267
Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie pharmacologiques et toxicologiques (LCBPT) – CNRS UMR 8601
Université Paris Descartes
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Armelle MELET
Associate Professor
in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Chemical Biology, Immunology team
Chemistry & Biology, Modeling & Immunology for Therapy
+33 1 76 53 42 72, room R267
Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie
Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT)
Université Paris Descartes
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Curriculum Vitae
Recruited as Assistant Professor in 2006, I have been working since at the interface of biology and chemistry. With complementary training in both biochemistry and chemistry, my expertise ranges from molecular biology, protein production, in vitro biochemical assays to protein interactions studies. I have been involved in several integrated projects with chemists and cellular biologists including the development of new detection techniques for H2S (Biological Chemistry Team) and more recently the search for CXCR4-dependent signaling pathways and related binding partners involved in immune regulation (Chemical Biology and Immunology Team).
Assistant Professor (2006-current position) in Protein Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University Paris Descartes CNRS UMR8601.
Visiting scientist (2012-2014), IPBS Toulouse, Team Pierre G. Lutz : Ubiquitin enzymes in Health and diseases.
Postdoctoral Fellow (2004-2006), BIDMC/Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA), Cancer research/ apoptosis, Dr Khosravi-Far’s laboratory.
PhD student (2000-2004), University Paris Descartes, UMR8601, Team Daniel Mansuy
PhD in molecular Pharmacology (2000-2004), University Paris Descartes, CNRS UMR8601Topology and substrate specificity of human cytochromes P450 2C9 and 2C8, Biochemistry/Drug Metabolism.
B.Sc in chemistry with specialization in biological chemistry (1996-1999), UPMC University/ENSCP (Chimie ParisTech) Paris engineering school of chemistry.
Dulac M., Melet A., Harris KD., Limoges B., Galardon E. «An optical H2S biosensor based on the chemoselective Hb-I protein tethered to a transparent, high surface area nanocolumnar electrode», Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemica, 2019, 290: 326-335.
Dulac M., Melet A., Galardon E. «Reversible Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide by Fluorescence using the Hemoglobin I from Lucina Pectinata», ACS sensors, 2018, 3(10):2138-2144.
Métais A., Lamsoul I., Melet A., Uttenweiler-Joseph S., Poincloux R., Stefanovic S., Valière A., Gonzalez de Peredo A., Stella A., Burlet-Schiltz 0., Zaffran S., Lutz PG., and Moog-Lutz C., «ASB2α-Filamin A axis is essential for cytoskeletal remodeling during heart development», Circulation Research, 2018, 122(6):e34-e48
Bucur O., Stancu AL., Miraru MS., Melet A., Petrescu SM., Khosravi-Far R., «PLK1 is a binding partner and negative regulator of FOXO3a tumor suppressor», Discoveries, 2014, 2(2):e15.
Huguet F.*, Melet A.*, Alves de Sousa R,. Lieutaud A., Chevalier J., Maigre L., Deschamps P., Tomas A., Leulliot N., Pages JM., Artaud I. «Hydroxamic acids as potent inhibitors de Fe(II) and Mn(II) E.coli methionine aminopetidase: biological activities and X-ray structures of oxazole hydroxamate-EcMAP-Mn complexes», ChemMedChem, 2012, 7(6):1020-30. (* authors with equal contribution)
Goemere E., Melet A., Larue V., lieutaud A., Alves de Sousa R., Chevalier J., Yimga-Djapa L., Giglione C., Huguet F., Alimi M., Meinnel T., Dardel F., Artaud I., Pages JM., «New peptide deformylase inhibitors and cooperative interaction: a combination to improve antibacterial activity», J Antimicrob Chemotherap, 2012, 67(6):1392-400.
Melet A. and Khosravi-Far R., «Apoptosis: physiology and pathology, chapter on Physiologic and pathological cell death in the mammary gland», Book chapter, John C. Reed and Douglas R. Green, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Jagani Z., Song K., Kutok J.L., Dewar M.R., Melet A., Santos T., Grassian A., Ghaffari S., Wu C., Yeckes-Rodin H., Ren R., Miller K. and Khosravi-Far R., « Proteasome inhibition causes regression of leukemia and abrogates BCR-ABL-induced evasion of apoptosis in part through regulation of forkhead tumor suppressors», Cancer research, 2009, 69(16):6546-55.
Melet A., Song K., Bucur O. , Jagani, Z., Grassian A.R. and Khosravi-Far R., «Apoptotic pathways in tumor progression and therapy» (review) Adv Exp Med Biol, 2008, 615:47-79.
Melet A., Marques-Soares C., Schoch A.G., Macherey A.C., Jaouen M., Dansette P.M., Sari M.A., Johnson E.F., and Mansuy D., «Analysis of human cytochrome P450 2C8 substrate specificity using a substrate pharmacophore and site-directed mutants», Biochemistry, 2004, 43(49):15379-92.
Melet A., Assrir N., Jean P., Lopez-Garcia M.P., Marques-Soares C., Jaouen M., Dansette P.M., Sari M.A., and Mansuy D., « Substrate selectivity of human cytochrome P450 2C9 : importance of residues 476, 365 and 114 in recognition of diclofenac and sulfaphenazole, and in mechanism-based inactivation by tienilic acid », Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2003, 409(1) : 80-91.