Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT)
Université Paris Descartes
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Research Scientist, CNRS

Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie pharmacologiques et toxicologiques (LCBPT) – CNRS UMR 8601
Université Paris Descartes
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Curriculum Vitae
Specialist as a Scientist and as a Communicator
Overview :
I am currently undergoing a vibrant transition from a pure research scientist and lecturer to science communicator. After decades of research, I am refocusing on translating science and educating the public about the wonderful and critical findings that they should be aware of. Because of this transition, my CV has two distinct parts – as a scientist and as a communicator.
Education :
- Masters and Bachelors, Université de Nancy I (1985-86), Physics and Chemistry,
- PhD, Université de Paris XI (1990) – Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Grants from industry)
- PhD, Université HII, Spectroscopy, Casablanca, Maroc (1999)
- Masters, Université de Paris VII (2002) in Genome Bioinformatics and Molecular modelling
- Certificate of Excellence, Université de Paris (2021), Innovation Science Communication
Scientist – Research positions / employment :
- CR-level Research position at the CNRS, Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles Gif-sur-Yvette, France (1990-1993)
- Manager NMR platform and courses, Faculté Mohammedia FSTM, Morocco (1994-2005)
- Professor, Faculté FSAC Casablanca, Morocco (2005-2016) – Doctoral and Masters teaching levels.
- CR-level Research position at the CNRS – Université Paris Descartes/Université Paris Cité (December 2017 to date).
Scientist – Research field specialties :
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and molecular modelling of toxins (1986-2016).
- Molecular modelling of membrane receptors and amino acid transporters (2017-2021).
Scientist – Publications and conferences :
- Scientific publications – More than 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
- Communications – 50 oral and poster communications (conferences, seminars, etc.)
- Special lectures – 25 lectures in international conferences and universities.
Scientist – Award :
- Medal of Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, CNRS (2005)
Communicator – Positions and activities :
- Consultant for the « la Main à la pâte » project, France and Morocco (2005-2008)
- On-line activities Communications – Series of Web radio presentations (2012-2014)
- Coaching of students in “Ma thèse en 180 secondes” (MT180) Morocco (2014-2016)
- Project manager for Interactive Exhibitions (Abysses, Police Scientifique, Climat l’Expo à 360°, COP21, COP22) (2011-2016)
- Organizer of multiple communication projects (2010 to date) : Film projects, debates, conferences, interactions with experts, scientific workshops (visites insolites CNRS 2021, 2022, 2023), podcasts …
- Lead person in charge of communications for the Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT) at the CNRS – Université Paris Cité (2021 to date).
Communicator – Grants
- Principle Investigator – IRD PCST. Creation of scientific project in rural area in Morocco (2 x 10 000 euros, 2008-2009)
- Principle Investigator – Sustainable project Transavia Solid’Air (11 000 euros, 2011)
- Principle Investigator – Webradio project Fonds Francophonie FFI (2013-2014).
- Principle Investigator – Project Photo exhibition « Une expérience, une image » LCBPT, Qualité de vie au travail CNRS (2021).
- Supervisor for student project CVEC « Carrières scientifiques an féminin » (2022)
- Participant in the science and society accreditation « Labellisation Science avec et pour la Société de l’Université Paris Cité » (SAPS, 270 000 euros/an, 2022-2024) and in the project AAP SAPS CSTI « Budget supplémentaire alloué à la médiation scientifique des projets génériques 18/19» (2500 Euros/project x60, 2021).
- Principle Investigator – « REFORMS project ANR Science avec et pour la Société » (80 000 Euros, 2022-2024). https://cis.cnrs.fr/reforms/
Communicator – Award :
- Grand Prix Purkwa* (2010) de l’Académie des Sciences France pour l’alphabétisation scientifique des enfants de la planète. Creation et organization of scientific workshops for children (10 000) in rural areas.*
Other interests
- Yoga professor – Hatha Yoga certified by the Institut Méditerranéen de Yoga, Fédération Francophone de Yoga, Sivananda – Montréal (2014), and diploma from the Yoga Academy in Yoga Therapy (2019). Specialty courses for post-cancer individuals.
* Annoncements in newspapers
Journal du CNRS- page 4 : http://www.roadef.org/pdf/JDC257.pdf
Scientist – highlighted publication / oral communication
- Mikou, A. Cabayé , A. Goupil , H-O. Bertrand , J-P. Mothet , F. Acher. « Asc-1 Transporter (SLC7A10): Homology Models And Molecular Dynamics Insights Into The First Steps Of The Transport Mechanism. » (2020) FC. Scientific Reports 28;10(1):3731. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60617-y.
- ACS International Conference Pacifichem / Symposium session Crossing the Biological Membrane : Frontiers in the Computational Study of Membrane Transport, 16-21 december 2021, Hawai, USA « Homology Models And Molecular Dynamics Asc-1 Transporter. Insights of Into The First Steps Of The Transport » A. Mikou, A. Cabayé , A. Goupil , H-O. Bertrand , J-P. Mothet , F. Acher.
- Mikou A « Schizophrénie : une nouvelle cible thérapeutique pour certains symptômes méconnus », The conversation, 21 november 2023.
Communicator – highlighted publication / oral communication
- Mikou « Science et Société, une relation en pleine mutation » La Lettre de l’OCIM (Office de Coopération et d’Information Muséographique) : Musées, Patrimoine et Culture scientifiques et techniques, 2023, Médiation des sciences – L’expertise en dialogues (206), pp.62-73. https://hal.science/hal-04227135
- ACFAS International conference : « 100 ans de savoirs pour un monde durable » Symposium Science et Société, 8-12 may 2023, Montréal, Canada. “Formations en médiation scientifique : apport du projet Reforms” Mikou, J-M Galan, F. Musiani, M. Merzagora, P. Boniface, X. Coumoul, L. Petitgirard.
- ACS International Conference Pacifichem / Symposium session − Chemistry Education and Communication, 16-21 décember 2021, Hawai, USA « Raising scientific awareness for better quality of life » Mikou
- International conference Science and You, 16-19 november 2021, Metz, France « Médiation scientifique : une facette des métiers de chercheur.euse.s » Mikou
Communicator – Podcasts
- Creation in 2022 of de 2 podcasts (Nanotechnologies) and their diffusion on the web-radio 100 pour Sciences – Université Paris Cité