Happy 40th Birthday UMR8601!
Today we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologique et Toxicologique -UMR8601!
Congratulations to Dylan Coelho and Katie Burke for their prizes!
Two in one day! We congratulate Dylan Coelho and Katie Burke for their Best Poster Prize at GDR RNA and Best Oral Communication at journée de la montagne Sainte Geneviève, respectively.
Congratulations to Hugo Esteves who won the best oral communication prize at RCO2024
We congratulate Hugo for his Oral Communication Prize at the RCO2024!
Congratulations to Martin Lepeintre who won the best poster prize at the RECOB 19
We congratulate Martin for being the recipient of Best Poster Award at the RECOB 19 (19ème REcontres en Chimie Organique Biologique)!
Ph.D. Position in Supramolecular Bio-inorganic Chemistry group
Available positionsPhD. Position available for Autumn 2024 (Financed by ANR JCJC procject "Supra CPL" / ANR-23-CE07-0019-01) Topic : Luminescent chiral molecular cages for probing and imaging Application : Send to Dr. Benjamin Doistau your CV, the name of two former...
Congratulations to Katie Burke and Edouard Brosset-Heckel who won the best poster/flash poster prize at the Young Research Fellows Meeting
We congratulate Katie and Édouard for being the recipient of Best Flash Poster Award and Best Poster Award respectively at the YRFM!
Congratulations to Dr. Yun Luo for her HdR
Congratulations To Dr. Yun Luo for her HdR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) entitled Surface functionalization of nano- and micro-materials for optical and biomedical applications.
Congratulations to Édouard Brosset-Heckel for winning a Best Poster Award at the SCF Chemical Biology Symposium 2024
We congratulate Édouard for being one of the recipient of Best Poster Award at the SCF Chemical Biology Symposium 2024 This prize was awarded by Royal Society of Chemistry’s newest journals, RSC Pharmaceutics. The new journal, headed by Professor Yvonne Perrie...
Podcast ” La Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire au service de la santé “
Ecoutez le podcast produit suite aux Visites insolites 2023 du CNRS, qui ont eu lieu dans notre laboratoire sur le thème « La résonance magnétique nucléaire au service de la santé ». Ce podcast est publié aussi sur la Webradio 100 pour Science de la Faculté des...
Congratulations to Dr. E. Benedetti for being one of the “Thieme Chemistry Journals Awardees” for 2024
We congratulates Dr. Erica Benedetti for being one of the recipient of the Thieme Chemistry Journals Award 2024. "The Thieme Chemistry Journals Award is presented every year to up-and-coming researchers worldwide who are in the early stages of their independent...
Congratulations to Dr. Hongwei WAN for her PhD Defence
July 20, 2023 Congratulations to Dr. Hongwei WAN for her PhD Defence !
Podcast CS – Emission “Nano au LCBPT et au-delà” 2ème Partie
Ecouter le Podcast CS - Emission "Nano au LCBPT et au-delà" 2ème Partie Podcast Nano au LCBPT et au-delà 2ème partie
Cérémonie de remise des médailles du CNRS 6/12/2022 : Félicitations Erica !
Toutes nos félicitations à Erica BENEDETTI qui a obtenu la médaille de Bronze du CNRS pour ses travaux de recherches portant sur la synthèse et l’étude des propriétés des [2.2]paracyclophanes. Félicitations également à toute l'équipe pour la publication parue dans ACS...
Podcast CS – Emission “Nano au LCBPT et au delà” 1ère Partie
Ecouter le Podcast CS - Emission "Nano au LCBPT et au-delà" 1ère PartiePodcast Nano au LCBPT et au delà - 1ère partie
Webradio Université Paris Cité
Lancée le 18 avril 2022, "100 Pour Sciences" Université Paris Cité est la première webradio francophone à caractère scientifique diffusant 24h/24.
Atelier pour doctorant.e.s MTCI: “Inégalités de genre dans le monde de la recherche”
Dans le cadre du projet CVEC "Inégalités de genre dans le monde de la recherche" porté par Claire Fleurisson, 2 événements organisés (Masters et doctorant.e.s) : Atelier - 1/2 journée pour les doctorant.e.s de l'école doctorale MTCI (validé 3h), le 15 décembre 2022....
Congratulation to Georgina Kirby awarded of the “Best Oral Presentation Award” at the “Journées de Chimie Organiques 2022”
Georgina Kirby, of SORB Team (Ph.D. supervisor Pr. G. Prestat and co-supervisor Dr. F. Berhal), has been awarded for the best Oral Presentation at the " Journée de Chimie Organique 2022" that was held on November 2-4 2022 at Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau. ...
Congratulation to Louna MOSSINO DIAZ for winning the “Best Poster Award” at the EFMC Young Medicinal Chemists’ Symposium
Louna MOSSINO DIAZ of the Chemistry of RNAs, Nucleosides, Peptides and Heterocycles Team won the Best Poster Award at EFMC Young Medicinal Chemists' Symposium", with a poster titled: "Covalent FAK inhibitors as a novel targeted therapy for human malignant...
Congratulations to Dr. WU Shiqi
Congratulations to Dr. WU Shiqi for his Ph.D. Defence!
Congratulation to Nicolas NYSSEN for winning the “Best Poster Award” at the Calix Conference 2022
Nicolas NYSSEN of the Supramolecular Bio-inorganic Chemistry Team won the Best Poster Award at the Calix 2022 Conference that was held on July 10th -14th in New-Orleans. Congratulation Nicolas!