30 June 2023 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min Europe/Paris Timezone

Titre: Reaction of DiazoCompounds with Electron Deficient Alkenes for the Regioselective Synthesis of Multi-functionalScaffolds.

Irishi N N Namboothiri received his MSc from Mangalore University(1988) and PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (1994, with Prof SNBalasubsrahmanyam). He carried out postdoctoral research at Bar-IlanUniversity, Israel (1995-1996, with Prof A Hassner), University of North Texas (1997-1999,with Prof AP Marchand) and Columbia University, USA (1999-2000, with Prof RBreslow). After a brief stint as Senior Research Scientist at SabinsaCorporation, New Jersey (2000-2001), he joined the Department of Chemistry,Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai (2001) where he is currently a seniorprofessor. His research interests include organic synthesis, development of newsynthetic methodologies, asymmetric catalysis, mechanistic studies andmaterials chemistry. He is elected fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (2020-)and National Academy of Sciences India (2013-). He is also a recipient of the Jean D’Alembert Senior Fellowship, Paris-Saclay University, France (2022-2023), Chemical Research Society of India medal (2014)and Excellence inTeaching Award at IIT Bombay (2020). He hassupervised 26 PhDs andco-authored over 190 publications (h-index 46) including four chapters and twobooks and is also a co-inventor of 6 patents.

Namboothiri has been avisiting professor at Alternative Energy and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Saclay, France (2013,2017, 2022-23) and Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil(2015-2017). He has delivered over 200 invited lectures at varioussymposia/conferences and special seminars in India and abroad. He is a memberof the American Chemical Society (ACS, 1997-), Chemical Research Society ofIndia (CRSI, 2001-), Indian Chemical Society (ICS, 2008-), High EnergyMaterials Society of India (HEMSI, 2005-) and Indian Association of ChemistryTeachers (IACT, 2006-). Currently, he is an Associate Editor of Journal ofChemical Sciences (2022-), Bangalore and is on the editorial board of Journalof Heterocyclic Chemistry (2021-). He also serves on several academic andresearch advisory committees in India.